
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Screenplay and Dialogue Editing

We proofread and edit plays and screenplays with industry standard formatting for submission.

Featured client: Apostle Joy Vassal is quite a prolific playwright. Her playwriting skills are exemplified in her highly acclaimed self-produced drama, The Old Man and the New Man, a thought-provoking and spiritually insightful episode with mass appeal across cultural and economic boundaries. This marvelous play was developed for television in 1999. She also produced Gloria Suffering and The King Is Coming. In addition to these plays, Apostle Joy has written for Miles magazine, Canada’s first Christian magazine and is also the author of two books, Turn around and See the Lord and Demons Are Real.
Apostle Joy Vassal is anointed  to preach the good news gospel of Jesus Christ and believes her mission is to admonish all people to turn around and see the salvation of the Lord. Through a compelling proclamation of the gospel, her ministry empowers disciples of Jesus Christ to wrestle victoriously against Satan and all his cohorts so that the manifold blessings, healing, miracles, and prosperity in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour are manifested in their daily lives. Joy is available for speaking engagements and may be reached at and

Writing Style Guidelines 
Consistency and professionalism in communication are key components of how an author presents himself or herself. Institutions of higher education and their graduates, especially, should hold themselves to a high standard, reflective of their intrinsic purpose. To these ends, The Chicago Manual of Style has been selected as the official reference source for most professionally published and academic writing. The exception to this policy is treatment of religious terms, such as biblical references, references to God, and theological events. For these, refer to The Christian Writer's Manual Of Style by Robert Hudson published by Zondervan.
An essential tool for writers, editors, proofreaders, designers, copywriters, production managers, and marketers too. The Christian Writer’s Manual of Style is an essential tool not only for writers of religious materials, but for their editors, proofreaders, designers, copywriters, production managers, and even marketers. Rather than simply repeating style information commonly available in standard references, this newly updated and expanded edition includes points of grammar, punctuation, usage, book production and design, and written style that are often overlooked in other manuals. It focuses on information relating to the unique needs and demands of religious publications, such as discussions on how to correctly quote the Bible, how to capitalize and use common religious terms, and how to abbreviate the books of the Bible and other religious words. Also included are rarely found items such as: * an author’s guide to obtaining permissions * guidelines for using American, British, and Mid-Atlantic styles * discussions of inclusive language, profanity, and ethnic sensitivities * discussions of Internet and computer-related language style * a list of problem words * style issues regarding words from major world religions * a discussion of handling brand names in text * a list of common interjections * issues of type design, paper, copy-fit This edition has been completely updated since the 1988 edition and contains more than twice as much information as the previous edition. This is the most detailed and comprehensive guide of its kind.
ContributorRobert Hudson
Short BioRobert Hudson 
Robert Hudson is a senior editor-at-large at Zondervan. With his wife, Shelly Townsend-Hudson, he has written Companions for the Soul, and with Duane W. H. Arnold he has written Beyond Belief: What the Martyrs Said to God. He also edits the online literary magazine, Working
Publish DateApr 11, 2004